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Financial leasing service
The financial leasing service provides loans for financial institutions (a lessor, such as a financial company under a group enterprise, a trust investment or leasing company) approved by the China Banking Regulatory Committee to collect rent receivables or purchase assets for use by lessees. The basis for repaying this type of loan is the rent paid by lessees to the lessor. 

Service Model
Factoring and loaning.  

Requirements for the Lessor
1. Operates within the law based on standard procedures, and manages business activities efficiently;
2. Holds quality assets and has strong risk control capabilities;
3. Has a clear marketing strategy and a stable leasing business;
4. Has strong credit standing, a good reputation, and a healthy financial system;
5. Employs a team of leasing professionals;
6. Has rich project experience.  

Requirements for the Lessee
1. A functional business entity;
2. Has a strong financial status and a healthy financial system;
3. Has a strong credit standing with us;
4. Meets our basic credit requirements.  

Documents Required for the Application
1. A factoring service or loan application;
2. A financial leasing contract, related agreement, and other valid certificates;
3. A purchase or sales contract;
4. The certificate of ownership for the leased property;
5. A feasibility report for the leasing project;
6. Financial statements from the lessor and lessee for the previous year and the recent period, which have been audited by certified public accountants;
7. Legal documents that certify the legitimacy of the lessor and lessee, including business licenses, capital verification reports, certificates of incorporation, articles of association, certificates of legal representatives, and powers of attorney from legal representatives;
8. Documents relating to financial risk control measures taken by the lessor;
All the contents stated above are for your reference only. Please consult the local branch of China Merchants Bank for further information. China Merchants Bank reserves the ultimate right of interpretation for the contents in this page.