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Latest FX exchange rates
Date of issue: 2024-04-28
Currency Amount Target currency Middle rate Selling rate FX bid Cash bid Time
HK Dollar 100 Renminbi 92.57 92.76 92.38 91.74 07:29:51
New Zealand Dollar 100 Renminbi 430.44 432.16 428.72 415.16 07:29:51
Australian Dollar 100 Renminbi 473.34 475.23 471.45 456.54 07:29:51
U.S. Dollar 100 Renminbi 724.65 727.19 722.58 716.68 07:29:51
Euro 100 Renminbi 774.80 777.90 771.70 747.29 07:29:51
Canadian Dollar 100 Renminbi 530.18 532.30 528.06 511.36 07:29:51
GB Pound Sterling 100 Renminbi 905.31 908.93 901.69 873.17 07:29:51
Japanese Yen 100 Renminbi 4.5791 4.5974 4.5608 4.4165 07:29:51
Singapore Dollar 100 Renminbi 531.85 533.98 529.72 512.97 07:29:51
Swiss Frank 100 Renminbi 792.31 795.48 789.14 764.18 07:29:51
The above table is for reference only. Please refer to the latest exchange rates.
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2. You can buy and sell foreign currency by yourself via Online Banking (General Edition) -> Foreign Exchange Management.