If you want to borrow and repay money at any time, please choose the "borrowing and repayment at any time" service.
It allows you to borrow money through CMB online and telephone banking without going to a branch.
You can apply for automatic loan repayment on to save interest or you can repay loans at any time through CMB online banking () and telephone.
After the service is enabled, the amount of available credit decreases and increases as funds are borrowed and then repaid.
The loan borrowing and repayment services are available for you through our online and telephone banking on a 24/7 basis.
It is applicable for first- and second-hand house purchase, personal consumption, commercial property purchase and individual business operation.
All the contents stated above are for your reference only. Please consult the local branch of China Merchants Bank for further information. China Merchants Bank reserves the ultimate right of interpretation for the contents in this page.