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CMB Helps You Save Borrowing Costs

Mr. Zhao, who has sold clothes for many years in Beijing commented that, “It’s easy to get loans from banks these days; however, for small businesses like us, we have to be very careful with our choice of bank. After all, the procedure is quite complex. You have to find out if the loan is suitable and if the interest rate is low enough. Quite a lot to think about!” 

■ CMB’s ‘Easy Transfer’ Helps Micro Enterprises Save on Loan Interest 

Generally, banks provide operating loans each year, collect interest each month, and collect the principal on the date of maturity. The more you borrow and the longer the loan duration, the higher the interest. To save on interest, some borrowers select multiple short-term loans each year by completing complex procedures. Doing so misses the best business returns, and suffers from poor loan approval efficiency as procedures vary from bank to bank. CMB’s customer manager recommended ‘Easy Transfer’ to me when I consulted the bank about loans. This allows me to borrow and repay money online anytime anywhere, which is very convenient for business people like me to get stock in and out, and make payments from time to time. Without hesitating, I chose the CMB service. When making a payment, I go to ‘Easy Transfer’ online. Each time I receive money, I’ll use the receivable to repay part of the loan in advance. The interest is hundreds of yuan for each day of delay!

 ■ CMB’s ‘All-in-1 Card for Business’ enables micro enterprises to transfer money for free. 

CMB's micro-credit service really covers everything. When I applied for a loan, the customer manager recommended the ‘All-in-one-Card for Business’, saying the card has no fee for online money transfers. All my suppliers are based in Guangdong, so it costs a lot to remit money from your home province. I’d thought I’d give it a try. Anyway, getting such a card is free. I never thought the bank wouldn’t charge me anything for money transfers using the card. It does save a lot. The exclusive card is designed to match your lifestyle.  

■ CMB’s ‘Super Online Banking’ is free for cross-bank transfers.

I’ve got many customers who use different banks. To expedite money collection, I’ve also opened many bank accounts. As a result, it’s quite hard to manage these accounts and collect payments from different customers. Account inquiries and money transfers are also a lot of hassle. CMB’s customer manager recommended ‘Super Online Banking’. With this service, I’m able to inquire about my money in other banks and pool money into a single CMB account without extra cost. This way, I can transfer money out and collect money from other banks for free. This greatly helps me manage my finances. When I have money, I also buy financial products exclusive to ‘Super Online Banking’ customers from CMB to increase capital returns.  

Mr. Zhao concluded: “To get a suitable loan, you have to choose the right bank. CMB helps me save interest and handling fees, and manage finances, so I make money. I think I’ve made the right decision with CMB.”